Should guests take photographs during the wedding ceremony or reception?
We kindly request your assistance in refraining from taking pictures during the ceremony. Additionally, we would greatly appreciate it if you could limit photography during the reception, especially during special moments such as dances, cake cutting, speeches, and more. Our goal is to capture your beautiful faces in our professional photographs, not your phones.
We have hired a professional photographer who will be taking pictures and videos throughout the evening. We will be more than happy to share them with our guests after the event. So, please relax and enjoy the celebration!
What time should we arrive for the ceremony?
The ceremony will begin promptly at 4:30 PM, so we kindly request that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start time to allow for seating and to ensure that the ceremony starts on time.
Is there transportation available from the hotel to the venue?
Yes, Hayley & Gary have arranged for a shuttle bus to transport guests from the hotel to the venue. The shuttle will depart from the hotel lobby area promptly at 3:40 PM, so we kindly request that you arrive early to ensure you don't miss it. The shuttle will also be available after the wedding to transport guests back to the hotel and to the after party.
Is Hayley changing her name?
No. Do you know how hard it is to change your name as a flight attendant?